Look Like an Expert in Your Sales Area by Making One Visual Change
When you're selling spaces, it helps to be an expert on your own listings. But, it's even better to be an authority on your entire sales area. Where are its hidden gems? What are local schools like? Which coffee shops have free wi-fi?No matter how much of that you already know -- and don't know! -- you should be showing potential clients that you're plugged into your local market. The goal is to be a go-to resource.When buyers and sellers think of your region, you want them to think of you.One quick way to do showcase your local credentials is to use local stock photography. From print marketing to social media and your website, your marketing materials should be full of distinctive images that associate you with your region.
Notice that key word: local. The internet is full of stock photography that could probably pass for your town. Think autumn leaves from anywhere, USA, or a quaint downtown streetscape. Some of these images are free and using them is...okay. Let's say "better than nothing."But, no generic image can hold a candle to stock photography actually taken in your area. When buyers and sellers see distinctive, recognizable locations alongside your name and headshot, they know that you're serious about serving your region.
If you're already working with a commercial photographer for your listings, they should be willing to provide you with stock photography, too. They may even offer it for free!When we shoot a baseline number of listings for a brokerage, we throw in access to our sizable stock photography bank at no charge. Agents and marketing staff can pull whatever they want, whenever they want it.We've said over and over again that we make our clients look good. With stock photography, we also make them look like local experts.Check out our stock bank here, or start building your own photography archive by scheduling an appointment.