You know that professional photography sells spaces and products. You know you should be using it online. But, what does that actually look like in practice?Boy, have we got an example for you.Our clients at Shickel, a company that's been in the metal business for over 80 years, recently launched a new website using tons of the images we've produced for them.And it looks absolutely fantastic.By using photos of their workshop and finished installations, Shickel's site shows off the craftsmanship and professionalism that the company brings to all of its projects.It takes potential clients inside their entire process. We think they'll like what they see!Schickel has done metal design, installation, polishing, and more for some amazing architectural sites. Their work always looks good, and we think we captured it at its best.Their website is worth visiting just for eye candy or inspiration. But, if you're searching for examples of how to use photography in web marketing you definitely don't want to miss it.Click through and check out the way they hit you with one striking image after another. The way the photos work with the text. The cohesive statement they make about who and what Shickel stands for. It's all good.The site was created by the web design pros at Seadev, another company whose work we always love (and who we'll tell you more about, soon).On Seadev's own site, they've got a super-readable and informative "case study" of how Shickel's redesign came together. Take a look at it for even more insight into building a fantastic website with photos.If you've got questions, or want us to put you in touch with either of these amazing companies, leave a comment or reach out to us. You can also visit our online scheduler to set up photos for an attention-getting website of your own.We'll leave you with a few more of Shickel's work, because we're just that proud of this collaboration.