When we started out in commercial photography, we almost exclusively shot real estate listings. But, as our small business grew, we wanted to expand our offerings.Whatever we added had to fit organically with the brand we'd already established. Our clients had come to expect high quality images perfect for marketing spaces.So, two services we created were Custom Floor Plans and Zillow Videos. We'll tell you more about those, soon.But here's an even easier, more intuitive way that we increased our business:We started photographing buildings before they were even built. Construction site photography -- which you can learn all about here -- helps contractors document projects, update partners, and protect against liability.Site photography fit perfectly into our existing roster of services. It's still photography, after all.But, it was also a new way for us to serve existing clients, and appeal to a broader range of new clients. Instead of shooting strictly for the MLS or rental agencies, we opened ourselves up as service provider for architects, contractors, material suppliers, and more!One day we're shooting their construction site, the next, we have our "lens in the door" for their brand new building -- and maybe some of its visitors, too.Here's how you can seamlessly add services, too: choose ones that are easy for your clients to believe you'll be good at. If they fit your brand and established expertise, clients will be eager to book appointments instead of confused about your new direction.We'll leave you with a little eye candy from a construction site we now photograph monthly. It's Harrisonburg, Virginia's first conference center: Hotel Madison. For more of our architecture photography, click through to our shoot at Duke University or browse our photo archives!