If you're involved in real estate at all, you've probably heard of AirBnb and Redfin. They're giants in their respective fields: short-term rentals and real estate sales. They both generate a lot of buzz online. And, they both convert that buzz into million of dollars in sales.But, do you know what else they have in common?Both companies pay for professional photography on their listings. Redfin does it for every. single. one. of their properties, while AirBnb offers it in most cities.Before they put their money into high quality images, Redfin actually commissioned a study to find out whether professional photography was worth it. They found that homes listed with professional photographs were up to 17% more likely to sell, period. They also sold for higher prices and sold faster. That sounds like a recipe for happy sellers to us!Redfin's findings hold true in our experience, too. Homeowners love to see their properties well-represented online and in print. And sellers in search of an agent want one who knows how to market their property at its best!Our professional photographs are easy to schedule here. Need more convincing? We'll leave you with a few of our own real estate images. You can find more client-pleasing examples in our extensive Photography Bank, or on our Facebook and Instagram pages.